I Will Shout Your WorthA couple of weeks ago, I mentioned on my Instagram page that a big announcement was coming! Today we want to share!
God put on my heart a fun way to “SHOUT” the worth of not only Savannah Lanier, but ALL OF MY CHILDREN AND YOURS, too! 💛What started out as a confusing and hurtful time, has placed a passion and fire in me that is now one of my missions in life! At my 20 week prenatal checkup, it was discovered that Savannah Lanier had a heart defect by an ultrasound tech and she began to tell me our daughter probably had Down Syndrome. A doctor wasn’t present, but my two other daughters were. They were confused and I was convinced she was mistaken and very out of line. However, I kept it “cool” as I reassured Alexis and Ava that everything would be just fine and there was nothing to worry about. Little did I know, my encouragement to Alexis and Ava that day was more true than I knew! I have shared more details in articles and blog posts that I encourage you to read! 💙Why do we feel we have to “SHOUT” the worth of our children? Why does an extra chromosome, autism, any disability or differences make one unacceptable, unworthy, or unloved? Fear and ignorance, it’s as simple as that. I stand with so many and want to share our story and continued journey to be a light of HOPE, ENCOURAGEMENT, and INSPIRATION.... while showing love and compassion. Our family wants to educate and love until more and more good people are even better and forever changed because of the knowledge and inspiration they have gained from knowing a child, teenager, or adult with special needs. Here is a way I want to share.... I reached out to gaffren t-shirts about a vision I had of a cool jersey t-shirt that says “I Will Shout Your Worth!” because those are the words that came to me with every blog post, every article written, and every IG post made. I wanted our username on the back as a silent way to invite anyone who will listen, read, and see how “normal” and fun ones’ life can be while living with the beauty of Down Syndrome! Our desire is to spread awareness and how “normal” and fun life is with Down Syndrome or any disability! ❤️ We want to show all who will hear, that our children have purpose, are loved.... and that we we “Shout Their Worth!” This t-shirt can be fun to wear to promote inclusion whether it be a disability, or anything that makes one different! Being kind and respectful is always the golden rule. This can be a sweet addition to a gift basket for a family that has received a prenatal diagnosis or delivered a precious little one! You can get these fun shirts at gaffren ! USE THE CODE SAVANNAH10 for a 10% DISCOUNT! https://www.etsy.com/listing/585380345 Our lives are not the gloom our prenatal specialist tried to portray and even pressured us to terminate. Until I take my last breath, Savannah.... “I Will Shout Your Worth!”
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AuthorI write about life and family. My heart's desire is to educate as I am being educated, while inspiring and encouraging others through the beauty of Down Syndrome. |